Nuri Telecom

Sweden's Göteborg Energi Successfully rolled out Nuri Telecom's AiMiR RF Mesh AMI Solution to the Entire City of 265,000 Customers.

"Göteborg Energi AB is a leader in adopting new technologies that improves energy delivery. We chose and successfully deployed Nuri's AiMiR AMI/AMM solution for our entire city of 265,000 customers to help foster that leadership. We are very impressed by the performance we are getting as well as with the wide range of functionalities we now have implemented. AiMiR will become an important part of our Smart Grid implementation that is underway.

We are now planning to use the AiMIiR system and the ZigBee backbone to also handle our gas and district heating meter readings. AiMiR solution helps us implement value added services such as fire alarm service, street light control etc. There are so many possibilities with our new system, that we even started a new business unit that is now responsible for creating new 'ZigBee' services to our customers"

-- Tomas Arnewid, Project Manager, Göteborg Energi AB, Göteborg, Sweden


Göteborg Energi AB serving 265,000 customers of Sweden's second largest city faced a major challenge when in 2007, the Swedish government created a new law demanding utilities to bill customers to an actual read on a monthly basis by July 2009. They had to replace existing meters with a new system using smart meters with remote meter reading capability. The challenge was to find a streamlined and modern electric metering system from a supplier with a proven track record and get the new system installed and operational by the target date set by the Swedish government.


The answer to Göteborg Energi's problem was to select and implement Nuri Telecom's end-to-end AiMiR AMI system. The Nuri AiMiR meter reading unit is based on Zigbee technology to create a wireless mesh network for remote metering. The Nuri-Zigbee network easily and cost-effectively can be expanded as new homes are built or new services added.